Introducing the Peter Davies Travel Award: Honoring a Scientific Pioneer in Alzheimer's Research

Charleston, South Carolina, March 28, 2024 – New Vision Research is proud to announce the establishment of the Peter Davies Travel Award in memory of Dr. Peter Davies, a visionary scientific pioneer in Alzheimer’s disease research. Dr. Davies’ groundbreaking discoveries have had a profound impact on the field of neurodegenerative diseases and continue to inspire researchers worldwide.

Dr. Peter Davies, PhD, was instrumental in paving the way for the first Alzheimer’s drugs through his groundbreaking research on the tau protein. His work unraveled the complexity of tau protein and its crucial role in Alzheimer’s and other tauopathies, leading to significant advancements in the field. Dr. Davies also developed Alz50, the first antibody capable of latching onto misfolded tau, and subsequently contributed to the development of numerous other groundbreaking antibodies.

Aside from his scientific contributions, Dr. Davies was a dedicated mentor at the Charleston Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (CCAD), where he shared his expertise and passion for Alzheimer’s research with countless aspiring scientists. His commitment to education and mentorship left an indelible mark on CCAD and the broader scientific community.

Dr. Davies passed away on August 26, 2020, at the age of 72, leaving behind a legacy of innovation, compassion, and scientific excellence. The Peter Davies Travel Award seeks to honor his memory by supporting young researchers and scholars in their pursuit of knowledge and advancements in Alzheimer’s disease and related fields.

The Peter Davies Travel Award is a $2000 travel award that will be awarded to the attendee who best exemplifies Dr. Davies’ value of innovation, collaboration, and mentorship.

About New Vision Research:
New Vision Research (NVR) is a private non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the way medical research is funded. NVR invests in early-career researchers with innovative ideas, fosters collaboration through conferences like the Charleston Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease, and supports emerging leaders in various research fields through its New Vision Research Scholar programs.

Media Contact:
Tara Coker / Marketing Coordinator

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