Tiffany Hensley-McBain

Tiffany McBain-Hensley, PhD Linkedin Dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiome is linked to multiple chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. However, how commensal bacteria and microbiome alterations impact the gastrointestinal, peripheral, and CNS immune system, particularly the innate/inflammatory cells such neutrophils and macrophages, remains largely unexamined. The Hensley-McBain lab studies the immune […]

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Aleksandra Wojitas

Aleksandra Wojitas, PhD Linkedin Aleksandra (Ola) Wojtas received her B.S. and M.S degrees in Biotechnology from University of Silesia in Poland. Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked as a research technician at Mayo Clinic where she focused on uncovering the causative and risk-based genetic variants associated with neurodegenerative disorders. She then completed her PhD

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