Chadwick Hales

Chadwick Hales, PhD Chad completed a bachelors of science in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, followed by M.D, Ph.D. training at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, Georgia.  He then moved to Atlanta, Georgia, for internal medicine internship, neurology residency and fellowship in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry […]

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Jeremy Herskowitz

Jeremy Herskowitz, PhD Twitter Google Dr. Herskowitz received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2001. He earned a Ph.D in Microbiology at Emory University, where he studied mechanisms of gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis in the laboratory of Dr. Samuel Speck. He remained at Emory University for postdoctoral studies and

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Syed Abid Hussaini

Syed Abid Hussaini, PhD Linkedin Twitter Google Dr. Hussaini received his PhD in Neurobiology at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. In his postdoctoral training here at Columbia University in the department of Neuroscience, he studied the function of hippocampal neurons (place cells) and entorhinal cortex neurons (grid cells) which are known to be important for memory

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Celeste Karch

Celeste Karch, PhD Linkedin Twitter Google The goal of Dr. Karch’s research is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying tauopathies. As a graduate student, she studied the basic mechanisms by which mutant SOD1 protein aggregates in cell and mouse models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Karch expanded her research

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Shannon Macauley

Shannon Macauley, PhD Linkedin Twitter Google Shannon L. Macauley earned her BA in Biology and Psychology from Middlebury College (Middlebury, VT) and worked in translational neuroscience at Genzyme Corporation (Boston, MA) prior to graduate school.  Dr. Macauley completed her Ph.D. in Neuroscience at Washington University (St. Louis, MO) with Dr. Mark Sands and her postdoctoral

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Dongming Cai

Dongming Cai, PhD Linkedin Twitter Google Dr. Cai joined Mount Sinai in July 2010, where she continues to advance our understanding of the workings of the central nervous system and the processes involved in defining disease mechanisms. Prior to coming to Mount Sinai, Dr. Cai was trained by many prestigious basic research scientists. After graduated

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Noll Campbell

Noll Campbell, PhD Linkedin Twitter Dr. Campbell’s interest is in medication management of older adults with cognitive impairment. As an aging brain pharmacoepidemiologist he is most interested in the impact medications may have on the development or progression of cognitive dysfunction. This work extends to both the acute care (Pharmacologic Management of Delirium, PMD study)

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Ann Cohen

Ann Cohen, PhD Twitter Dr. Cohen has broad training from her predoctoral and postdoctoral training in animal models of neurodegenerative disease and, during her postdoctoral training and K award training, experience in the analysis of PET imaging in humans, with research interests in neuroimaging of normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease and early detection and treatment

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Joseph Castellano

Joseph Castellano, PhD Linkedin Twitter Google My laboratory is focused on understanding the complex communication taking place between the systemic environment and the brain in the context of neurodegenerative diseases. We areparticularly interested in characterizing the activity of TIMP2 and related proteins and theiraction in mediating long-range effects on neural circuits in the context of

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